My odyssey as an artist has been a long and fruitful journey thus far; so many of you have supported me over the years, and to express my gratitude, I am pleased to invite you to consider the opportunity of purchasing a painting from the collection on this site, and if you do, to honor your support,

Iā€™d like to offer you a second choice as a gift from me!

This sale includes seminal work from each series such as: LD XIV, NP V, FD 35 and Grendel I. I hope you will find a painting (or two) you adore and if you do, simply contact me via the contact page on this site.

The small print!

Once you have made your selections and contacted me I will send you an invoice/Certificate of Purchase.

Do not add your gift selection to your cart! Once you have selected your gift painting, contact me and I will insure it is shipped with the purchased artwork.

Invoicing will be based on the more expensive selection.

Additional charges: sales tax (of course). Payment is limited to my PayPal account. Once payment is received I will ship the paintings to you, or pack them for pickup at the studio.

All sales are final (neither of us want to be burdened with shipping artwork back and forth).

Thank you so much for your generosity!